High School Seniors

Kallie | High School Senior | Newark High School


We need to take a moment and catch up! It has been waayy too long since I have been on any social media on these accounts! My life is booming busy. Last year (2020) I was part of my family's startup business called 3G Concrete Coatings. My sisters and I run this business and my whole year was devoted to setting the company up. Also, as Director of Training at Century 21 Frank Frye Real Estate, I worked along side my Broker to develop a training program for 2021!

SO many amazing things are happening and opportunities that are presenting themselves. This year my commitment is to post more on Social Media..and this time I am keeping this commitment because I officially have an assistant to help me!!

So my life revolves around the company I run with my sisters, training at C21 Frank Frye, my own photography business, and now getting my personal real estate business back where it needs to be!

Stay tuned!!

Lilly Snyder | Hilliard Bradley High School | Dawes Arboretum + Studio

Lilly was a dream to photograph. She was so photogenic. She really wanted different poses and so I was able to really step outside my box and try some new things and we got some FABULOUS shots!!!

It is clients like this who inspire me and keep pushing me. I dearly love the opportunities being a photographer has given me!

Need to book your senior portraits, slide into my inbox at jdawnphotography@yahoo.com!

Stay fabulous,

Janessa Dawn
